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Audrey MacD

The Difference between QEEG and Neurofeedback Therapy

If you've heard of a brain map, or a QEEG, then you should know, it produces a sort of heat map depicting the quantities of electrical current that is produced by and among your brain cells. You know remember that high school biology class; neurons and dendrites and synapses? Those fabulous brain cells that keep your master computer, the brain running your whole central nervous system. Those are measured by a funny little cap that fits snuggly atop your cranium with several electrodes whose

purpose is to only read the electrical current produced by different areas of your brain. Not exactly a fashion statement, but using a clever mathematical algorithm it's quite effective at giving the geniuses that know how to read the map, vital information about what is going on in that hard skull of yours. The QEEG we do, use a Z-score to average your brain frequencies against others in your age and gender group. This can show us sleep issues, and trauma if your brain is low-voltage or prone to hyperactivity. It can show areas of the brain that are overactive or underactive.

From the QEEG, we can have a record of your brain's health so you can measure it yearly

and keep an eye out for memory issues and progress if you do in fact choose to get Neurotherapy. It's also handy to have in case of accidental injury-you always have a snapshot of your brain's health. The QEEG is data, not therapy. The map is recording the brain activity- not improving it.

NOW for the Neurofeedback---this is the therapeutic activity. It is not necessary to have a QEEG to undergo neurofeedback, unless you opt for a stimulating type of Neurotherapy, or have an injury that doctors want to keep track of.

Neurofeedback is a technology that is like yoga for your brain, it's giving your gray matter a bit of a workout by training it to calm down, or amp up. There is a huge selection of protocols that help at least 68 different symptoms; from anxiety to depression to ADHD and PTSD. Neurofeedback is not data collection, it is therapy. It is actively showing your brain, its own activity as though you were holding a mirror up to your brain. Your brain receives feedback from the equipment as it responds to itself...hence the name, "Neurofeedback," Your brain is literally getting feedback on itself so it may self correct. Crazy right?

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